
শনিবার, ১৮ ফেব্রুয়ারী, ২০১২

Different types of wool and Its Classification.

Different Types of Wool :

  • Fine wool
  • Medium Wool.
  • Long breeds wool
  • Cross breeds wool
  • Carpet wool

Classification of Wool By flees :
  1. Normal wool.--------------- ( 6 to 8 years of sheep )
  2. Hagget wool ----------------( 12 to 14 years of sheep)
  3. Pulled wool -----------------( 15-16 years of sheep)
  4. Cotty wool ------------------( very low quality sheep)
  5. Tag lock wool --------------( Discolor sheep )
  6. Dead wool ----------------- ( Nearly dead sheep)
  7. Weather wool --------------( Collecting after one collection)

Classification of wool by sheep:
  • Marino wool ( First Class wool )
  • Class two wool
  • Class three wool
  • Class four Wool

Chemical Composition of Wool fiber:
  • Keratin ------------------ 33%
  • Dust -------------------- 26%
  • Suint ------------------- 28%
  • Fat --------------------- 12%
  • Mineral Matter --------- 1%

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